This week for my weekly community challenge I am participating in SHARE YOUR WORLD.

This week all of our weekly questions are regarding Spring. Here is what our hostess asked this week:

1.  What to you is the first sign of Spring?

The bird calls change. The males start to sing their songs to the ladies.

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2.  Do you have a favourite flower at this time of year?

I love tulips in the Spring.

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3.  Does your country exercise the hour change?

Ugghh! Yes! It is this weekend! It makes church an hour earlier for me. Less sleep than usual. I will not be crabby! I will not be crabby! I will not be crabby!

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4.  Do you spring clean your home throughout, change furniture around or keep to a normal routine?

I don’t change inside furniture around much, but part of the Spring routine is uncovering the lawn furniture and getting it put back in place for the summer.

Gratitude: I am thankful for another week with my mother and my family gathered around her. Here is a picture of Mom and my daughter Melanie taken while Melanie was here taking a turn watching over Mom.

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