Father’s Day Divine Appointments

I knew going into this weekend that it was going to be very full. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the opportunity being presented, so I spoke about it with my life- coach on Thursday to strategize about what to say no to and what to say yes to. On Friday I spent time praying that my weekend days would be directed by God and that I would know the difference between Divine Appointments and distractions.

Saturday morning started with me and Paul Hackett teaching our monthly leadership class on gifting.

It was a such a dynamic class I came away feeling full of energy and ready to conquer the rest of the day. I felt like my friend Ray in the picture above.

After class my son and daughter-in-law treated me to coffee and pastry in one of the newly opened coffee shops in town. I think I may be a regular at Sippin’ Serendipity.

Then we were off to the Summer Solstice fair in the center of town. Several of our church members were involved in the fair as vendors.

Paula Lambert and her daughter Crysta Rathier were selling their crafted wares. We had a great discussion about sharing Christ in the work place.

This is Tamie Charbonneau who is part of our on line church community. She is a dispatcher by trade and a wood burner by choice. I bought one of her pictures.

This is Andy and Walter two more of our congregants who worked the fair as part of the Fidelity bank team.

Sevy really loved the sheep at the petting zoo.

And we had lunch at the Solstice from the CAC tent. Miranda Jennings is the director of the CAC project. We are so blessed by all she does for our community. She was recently named a State Heroine.


I had some really awesome conversations with people at the fair about: church, and church membership, and going to church, and things that get in the way of going to church and ……well it was just a great time.

Then it was off to The Strawberry Festival at our local Catholic Church. Father Henry has sent me an invite, so I went to have strawberry shortcake (delicious) and there I met quite by accident my cousins. I spent two hours just chatting about family stuff.

Cousin Dale and her husband Richie just celebrated 50 years of marriage.

Cousin Todd and his son Bobby were out enjoying the town after a visit to his Dad.

Now it’s time to walk the dogs and set up my bean poles, before I go over my sermon for tomorrow one more time.


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